søndag 26. januar 2014



This assignment was ll about creating two different animation cycles, which also is the last assignment before our next project. The two animations that was to be done this week, was one run cycle and one sneak cycle.


When I started on this assignment, I had to find some good reference and do some research in form of how the body moves in the different cycles. I had some serious issues with this assignment. I want to be honest about it because it means a lot when it comes to know what you are doing. The animation part is such a big part of the course, so from the next week I will be asking more for feedback and help from our teacher. I have been very confident, and tought that I knew what I was doing, but obviously I was wrong. I started on the assignment, and it went really great, but when it came to the tweaking and the polishig, it all got meshed up. I tried to deliver in time, but I got so confused, that I really wanted to try to fix my problems in the very last minute, which I failed.


There was no specific concept for this assignment, except for the animation, which was going to be one running cycle and one sneak cycle.


MONDAY; Woked with reference and preparation. 8hrs

TUESDAY; Worked with reference and thumbnails. 7hrs

WEDNESDAY: Worked with animation(running cycle) 7-8hrs

THURSDAY: Worked with animation(sneak cycle) 7-8hrs

FRIDAY: Worked with final finish on both animation scenes. 6hrs



When I started on this assignment, I was able to get a tip from my classmate John, of Usain Bolt running. I used that video as a reference, and found a man sneaking in a backyard as a reference for my sneak cycle animation.


The issue I had to work with on this assignment was to get both animations as good as I wanted it to be, which I totally failed. I have been very focused on that I could manage to do animation without any help from our great teacher, which also have that as a speciality. It has been very stupid of me to NOT use him and ask for help and feedback. I will change that attitude in the future assignments, starting from monday. 
I also delivered my assignment 15 minutes late on Filezilla, which i'm not proud of at all.


This assignment had only the basic design from the bony rig. I choosed also to keep it's original colour for this assignment as well.


My opinion on this assignment, is that it was very fun, and it still is. The only problem is that i have had an attitude that not matches what I'm supposed to do for this hard assignments. I have to change and start asking for feedback, which our teacher also says is really important. My final products is something that I'm not proud of, and I really want to be honest about it, not just for my teacher to read, but first of all for my self. I think that '' OK, this has to change, and you need to start now to get trough this animation part, and to really learn it''.


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