tirsdag 17. desember 2013




This assignment is the portofolio for 2013/2014. We have been working on this for a long time, actually since we got the feedback on the actual assignments that is included in this main showreel. A lot of work, and a lot of stress.


I started on this assignment for about a month ago, and have been working on it since then. There is three assignments that this portofolio includes, so basicly is this three assignments in one. The has been a lot of work and especially for the last few days, to get finished in time.


There is three assignments that is together in one for this delivery. Under is each concept for the actual assignments:


When I choosed a concept for this assignment, I briefed different ideas, and ended up with designing a bedroom. The final concept I developed is based on a starship I did earlier this week on my sparetime, which also is a project I’m going to design in maya in weekends. This spaceship has a house layout, so I choosed to design the master bedroom.

On this assignment I changed the lights, to get a more realistic daylight, switched out the poles and added a new wooden texture, that was more what I wanted.


The concept i had my foucus on, is based on the wildlife like animals and huntig especially. 
My finished product is totally build up by parts from boars and deers. The design is inspired by one of my hobbies, which is hunting. With this design i thought that I could create something special and at the same time use collector-objects from animals. 

On this assignment, I changed the table that the goblet was standing on, into three blocks, to get some difference. I choosed to have them in the lambert material, to actually see that the goblet is standing on something and not straight on the floor. I also tweaked the lights, and got rid of the very shiny wood, and not but least the reflection from the lights, that I also turned off.


The concept I created for this task, has a big relation to my environment. When I started to brief different designs, I was thinking of making a vehicle that should go fast, has extremely good aerodynamic, but also look neutral when it comes to sport cars. I came up with a car that matches all of those points, with a totally new wheel system. This wheel system works totally different than todays wheels, in the way that the wheel base is connected to the car, instead of being a separate object.

On this assignment, I choosed to add some more in the scene, but not too much. The whole concept is based on minimalistic style, so I wanted it to be as neutral as possible, but still eyecatching. I have added some leather on the seat and the monocock, tweaked lights to get them more smooth and worked with the checkers. The car was a huge challenge to unwrap, so the checkering is not good, and I wish for myself that I could have done this better. I will try to learn other methods to get rid of the obvious seems.


SATURDAY; Worked with all of the assignments. Prepared it for rendering (10hrs)

SUNDAY; Worked with all of the assignments. Prepared it for rendering (10hrs)

MONDAY; Worked with all of the assignments. Prepared it for rendering (15hrs), rendering, prepared everything in folders. Report. Made final video.

TUESDAY; Report and final video editing. (6 hrs)



When I started on this assignment, I had to figure out a solid plan to get finished in time. I had some things on my assignments that I had to work with, so I knew there was going to be a lot of work, which it really was.


The issue I had to work with on this assignment, was to get finished in time, and fix all the things from the feedback on the actual assignments.






This assignment was done with a final movie/showreel. This was made in Adobe after effects.


My opinion on this assignment, is that it was a lot of extra work. We had weekly assignments plus the portofolio assignment. A lot of nights without sleep and hard work, to get to this point. I feel that I could and wish that I had done some things different, and better, but all in all, I’m happy with my showreel. The checkering on the vehicle is not good, and I’m still working on a method to get rid of the actual seems without having the texture spread all over places it shouldn’t be.







Link to showreel:

mandag 2. desember 2013

SPARETIME PROJECT - 2011' Sunseeker Manhattan 53

This is a project i've been working on the last weekend.

Created with Google Sketchup, V-ray and Photoshop. Simple model and render, just for fun.

Model is made in 1:1 scale and is a remake of a 2011' Sunseeker 53 Manhattan. The model is made with full interior and can be downloaded here if you have sketchup installed on your computer.


fredag 29. november 2013



This weekly assignment was to make a simple scene with particles and dynamics, and then render out a 10 second video. The project should not contain texturing or lighting.


When I started on this assignment, I was a littlebit behind the other students in my class, because I was home for a couple of days. I got the help I needed, and did my assignment. The thing I was using too much time on, was the concept. I had bad time, and needed to do the assignment in time.


The concept I created for this assignment, was a brickwall and a ball that was thrown trough it. I came up with this idea, to show a good example on how dynamics and particles works, and that I have understood it. The scene should also contain some kind of a effect, like smoke or fire. I added fire to my ball, to give it the main focus. With the ball in focus, you’ll also see the brickwall effect very good.


With my final product I will convey that it is more than just to add effects and dynamics to an object. It needs a lot of work to look realistic, and to get the right values. I worked pretty much to get the result I wanted, but I could have done more with it.


MONDAY; Researched different images of lighting( 2 hrs)
TUESDAY; Researched different images and tryouts in Nuke ( 4 hrs )
WEDNESDAY; Nuke testing ( 7 hrs)
THURSDAY; Final compositioning in Nuke ( 7 hrs )
FRIDAY; Report ( 2 hrs )



When I started on this assignment, I had to find my design and concept, and then create it in maya, as a normal polygon model. When this was done, the pieces had to be given some sort of a value, which means that the groundfloor not should have any other kind of function rather than collide with the bricks when they fall down. This means that the groumd got a Passive rigid body, and the two other remaining pieces got an active rigid body.


When I found inspiration for this weekly assignment, I searched for brickwalls that was being demolished by a ball or other huge objects.


The issue I had to work with this week, was to get the ‘’animation’’ right. The different objects in the scene needed to get the right values, to look so realistic as possible, in the way they should move or interact with eachother.



The topology and edge flow for this assignment was a simple sphere as a ball, and cubes as bricks. The groundplame was also just a simple polyplane.


It was not required to have colours or textures on this assignment, but I choosed to go for a dark colour on the ball, and a dark colour on the bricks, to actually see them being hit. The groundplane had a lighter yellow/beige colour.


Not required for this assignment.


My opinion with the final product is that this was a assignment with many different issues to work with. I had to come up with an good idea, to make the actual scene and get it as realistic as possible. The biggest problem was to have maya running for a longer session. It was unbelievable much crashes with this assignment, but by using some simple tricks, it went out pretty well. I think honestly that I could have tweaked the values and settings a little bit more, but I didn’t have more time to use, so the main focus was to get the assignment done in time.


fredag 15. november 2013




For the last two weeks we have been working on a huge assignment. This was related to a robot and it’s environment. We teamed up two and two, where one person took care of the environment and the other the robot. This is yet the biggest and most difficult task so far.


Before we could start on this assignment, we had to team up with another student, or you could do the assignment by your own, without doing the environment. I teamed up with John Erlend Yttervik, which is a fantastic person to work with, in any cases. We had to give our team a name, and came up with ‘’team Bonecrusher’’. We started to read the assignment notes for this two-week assignment, and how we wanted it to be.


For this assignment, there is basically two concepts to explain, but since I was focusing on the robot, I’m also going to focus on my task in the report. When we started with the design tryouts, I was pretty clear on what I wanted. Something massive, iron, rusty and huge. I came up with the main design and concept art for the model, and started to work on it in Maya. The design and story around the robot, is based on the well known fight between David and Goliath, were Goilath lost. The whole point with this concept, is to show the people out there that he’s back, and want revenge. The important thing with this assignment, is to picture yourself this scene in a world were robots is blending with humans every single day. The work, driving cars, and does things a normal human would do. Goliath is special, and have been stored in a old hangar for decades, because of his powers and strength. When this Goliath series was produced in the late 60’s, they were produced in only 90 examples, before something unknown shut the production down. This is, as far as we know, the only remaining Goliath example that is still alive on planet earth. After an inspection, it’s clear that this is the famous G.O.L.I.A.T.H  B-23, which is the only robot who survived the attack on the production line in the 60’s. Goliath is about 15 metres tall and have extremely powers when it comes to his arms. His muscles is driven by small nuclear reactors, but is not affecting humans as we think of Tsjernobyl. After a long life in the hangar, he want’s to get out. He will find, and destroy what destroyed the rest of his family, and with no exeptions.


With my final project, I will convey that humans have to take care of what’s out there, no matter what it is. If they’re angry, then find out why. Robots are underestimated products that is a huge resource for our planet. If we build them right.



MONDAY; Started on the assignment. Desgin and concept art.
TUESDAY; Desgin and concept art.
WEDNESDAY; Desgin and concept art.
THURSDAY; Modeling in Maya. Taking important notes in the process.
FRIDAY; Modeling in Maya. Taking important notes in the process.


MONDAY; Modeling in Maya – Last touch. Starting with Checkers/Unwrapping
TUESDAY; Checkers/Unwrapping. Collecting textures and tryouts.
WEDNESDAY; Checkers/Unwrapping. Collecting textures and tryouts.
THURSDAY; Texturing. Making own textures for the finished robot. Doing the FP files.
FRIDAY; Compositing. Report.



When I started on this assignment, I had to work after my design drawings. I choosed to not use the drawings in maya as imageplanes, because it was a little bit difficult with all the panels that this product is made of. I used my favourite method on the chest of the robot, which is to start with one poly plane, and extrude the edges in the shape you want the object to have. This is a hard surface modeling assignment, so I used as few edgeloops as possible, because of all the tiny pieces that comes out of using it too much.


When I found inspiration for this assignment, I choosed to look for something in the Transformers category. To make a transformers robot is way too complicated. I choosed to take the idea using panels, to give the impression of a huge and strong machine.


The issues I had to work with this two weeks, was to make a low-poly robot, which had the right design and shapes compared to the main design. Overall we had a lot of problems with both the robot and the environment, such as crashes every minute, render engines failed to read the file, colors and textures suddenly disappeared. The task itself is ok, but when it comes to the texturing and rendering, it might trigger a lot of problems, which also takes a lot of effort to fix.



The topology and edge flow in this assignment is rather important compared to previously assignments. To save the computer for a lot of memory use, and a lot of time in the modeling part, it is a good solution to use polyplane extrude.


For this assignment, I used a rusty texture all over the whole robot, except the arms and leg itself. All the panels should have a rusty look, so they have the all over rusty texture.


For this assignment, we had to do the same thing as in C1, to make the finished product.
We rendered out the passes we needed for this task, and then put it into nuke to tweake on the lights and other things that had to be adjusted.


My opinion with the final product is that this was a assignment with many different issues and problemsolving. I think we arranged the weeks as best as we could, to get the right use of time on each part. In the end of this assignment, there was a lot of problems, which forced us to stay up all night from Thursday to Friday, to get the project finished. I think both the environment and the robot matches the designs we agreed in the beginning of the first week, so overall I think this was a huge experience to take with me further into the 3D business.


By doing this weekly assignment, I have learned a lot about modeling, especially hard surface modeling. I have learned a lot when it comes to working in teams, which I thought was a great thing to do with this task.




- Environment


