søndag 9. februar 2014


                                                           THIS IS PHILIP STEVENS

Name: Philip Stevens
Age: 46
Nationality: American
Socioeconomic level as a child: Rich
Socioeconomic level as an adult: Extremely rich
Hometown: L.A, USA
Current residence: 1300 square feet mansion in Hollywood hills
Occupation: CEO Stevens industries (Steel empire)
Talents/skills: Work, screw things up, use big amounts of money.
Relationship skills:

Physical characteristics:

Height: 148 cm
Weight: 64 kilos
Race: Human

Distinguishing features:

How does he/she dress? : This character dresses usually in grey suit with a darker grey tie. Black polished shoes and a suitcase in his right hand.

Habits: Use too much money on unnecessary things, such as cars, boats, planes, houses etc.
Health: Smoker, and does not do any type of training.
Hobbies: Drive supercars, diving, use money on expensive objects/things.
Style: Rich. Dress, tie and polished black shoes.
Greatest flaw:
Best quality: Taking care of business situations.
Favourite saying: ‘’Sure, I can do that’’

Intellectual/mental/personality attributes and attitudes

Educational background: No graduation. When he was 14, he started to work for his father as a cleaning guy for Stevens Industries.

Intelligence level: Smart
Character’s short-term goals in life: Get his life in order to live as a happy man.

Character’s long-term goals in life: Bring the business back on track, get the communication with his ex-wife to work normally again, and get back the relationship with his daughter.

How does the character see himself/herself? : Depressed, sad and angry.

How self-confident is the character? : Not very self-confident ( read story)

Does the character seem to be ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? This character is ruled by emotional weaknesses. He have problems with his life, when it comes to the family around him.

What would embarrass this character most? : When he meets a women and his daughter discover that she slept over for the night.

Emotional characteristics

Strengths/weaknesses: He is a good business man, with focus on his work, which is his strength. His weakness is when he hurts his family by doing stupid things.

Introvert or extrovert

How does the character deal with:
  • anger? He locks himself inn, and start to work with his company.
  • sadness? He tries to fix it, perhaps use a lot of money if necessary.
  • conflict? Gets upset, and locks himself inn.
  • change? 
  • loss? 
What motivates this character? Running the business well, and earn money.
What frightens this character? 
Loss in stocks and losing his family.
What makes this character happy?
 When business is going well, and he can have a nice talk with his ex-wife.

Is the character judgmental of others? No.
Is the character generous or stingy?
Very generous.
Is the character generally polite or rude?
It depends on the situation.

How the character is involved in the story

What is the character’s role in the story (Main character? Hero? Heroine? Romantic interest? Etc.) Sad businessman which have big family issues.
Where would he/she go on holiday? Maldives or Seychelles.
What is his/her favourite food?
Steak with fries and cheese sauce.
Describe his/her home.
What is it like?
This characters home is placed in the best environment of Hollywood. 1300 sqft mansion. Huge halls, 8 bedrooms, 10 baths and two swimmingpools outside. He also has a 4 door garage, with 2 lamorghini Aventadors and one Ferrari F430 Scuderia. The house is a modern mansion, with huge windows, marble on the floor and a lot of lights. Easy said, a star in the hills by night.

Choose an enemy

How did the character make the enemy? This character made this enemy when his wife was cheating on him.

What is the one thing in the world he/she would avoid at any cost?
That his ex-wife marries this guy that she was cheating on back in the time.

Because that could be a threat to his business in the way that she still owns stocks in Stevens Industries, and if she sells them to her ‘’new guy’s’’ company, then his company will own half of Steven Industries.

What has he/she done already to avoid this?
He have tries to talk to her, and asked her to come back to him. With no luck yet.

What would you see him/her doing in future to avoid it?
Honestly, Kill this person that his ex was cheating with.

What is the one thing in the world the character would do anything to have?
His wife back!

Because he still loves her.

What has he/she done already to try and obtain it?
Giver her everything she wants and please her.

What does he/she hope to achieve in the future? To get his family back to how it was, and get stevens industries back on top of the market.

Additional notes on this character:

 Philip Stevens is a midget businessman, with a great life, if you remove great. He has everything that others just can dream of. A big house, three brand new supercars, a $140 Million mansion in Hollywood hills, a daughter and a huge business. The thing with Phil is that he discovered that his wife was cheating on him a while ago. She decided after a while to leave Phil to live with her new lover. Philip did everything he could to avoid it, by buying her everything she wanted, but with no luck. They have been separated for about one year now, and there is a new issue in tha air right now, that can make his business, Stevens industries, go down. His ex-wife still owns 50% of Stevens Industries, and threating to sell them to her new lover, which will be a big loss for Phil. He will do anything to get his wife back, and the same time avoid that the stocks are being sold. His daughter, which he had with her ex-wife, is 14, and is busy all the time, with friends and boyfriends. More information about her will come later.


This assignment were we supposed to make an character, and give him a life story. The finished product should be a silhuette of our finished character.


When I started on this assignment, I went straight to the internet to find inspiration. I knew from day one how I wanted my character to be, so I started with my template, and made a story about him.


The concept I went for on this assignment, was a rich midget buisnessman that have big family problems in his life. He has everything , but nothing without money.


MONDAY; Template and research. 5hrs

TUESDAY; Template and research. 5hrs

WEDNESDAY: Drawing my character ( suggestions) 6-7hrs

THURSDAY: Drawing my character (final) 5hrs

FRIDAY: Delivery, getting the files in the right folders, report. 5hrs



When I started on this assignment, I used the internet to find good references, such as making a moodboard as well. This helped a lot when it come to poses and the look of a buisnessman.


The issues I had to work with on this assignment, was to create an unique character that people wanted to read about, and learn more about. I took my idea, that I have had in my head as a game idea for several years now, and turned that into a product how I imagined him. 


The design on my character was pretty basic. Philip is a buisnessman, that wear grey suit, tie and polished black shoes. He loves his outfit. Him as a person is kind of fat, bold and wear glasses cause of bad eyes.


My opinion on my final product is that I could have made a monster or an alien kind of person, but I felt that I was pretty sure about how I wanted this character to turn out, so I went for it and tried to make the character that I had imagined for several years in my head. The final result is pretty much how I wanted him to be. This week was just the silhuette, but next week we are going to work with clothing and details, which will be much more fun.